Austrian model for success: Higher Technical Institute


The “Higher Technical Institute” (Hoehere technische Lehranstalt – HTL) is an Austrian high quality school system to educate future engineers and skilled workers. It covers all important technical disciplines, like civil engineering, chemistry, electrical engineering and electronics, information technology and computer science, mechanical engineering, mechatronics, materials engineering, industrial engineering, and more.

The HTL provides high quality theoretical and practical training as well as comprehensive general education and personality development and qualifies for immediate entry into working life as well as for further studies.

The HTL system offers four study forms: The five years programme Hoehere Abteilung, starting at the age of 14 years, concludes with the Austrian matriculation and diploma examination and entitles to further studies at universities and colleges (including recognition of already acquired subjects) as well as using the professional title “engineer” (after at least three years of relevant professional experience). The same educational goal provides the four years evening school model Hoehere Lehranstalt für Berufstaetige for people who have completed their apprenticeship (starting with the age of 17plus) as well as the two years Kolleg for people who already completed their matriculation examination. The Fachschule includes a four-year training, starting from the age of 14 and concludes with the Austrian audit. This education system qualifies graduates with technical knowledge and skills to carry out technical skilled worker occupations.

At a total of 76 Austrian HTLs there are about 65.000 students. Each year about 9.000 students graduate in Hoehere Abteilung, further 1.700 within Fachschule. These schools see themselves consciously as competence centers for the transfer of technical skills and are in close cooperation with industry.

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Austrian model for success: Higher Technical Institute